Food Pantry

Trinity’s Food Pantry Hours:

Monday: 1:30 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 1:30 p.m.- 3:00 p.m., 4:30 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.
Thursday: 1:30 p.m.- 3:00 p.m

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me." Matthew 25:35

Trinity Food Pantry is an onsite distribution center assisting families in our community who suffer from hunger and food insecurity. Our goal is to help those in need stretch their monthly food budgets.

Our food ministry started in 1988 with simply a supply of foods available for special requests from families requesting food assistance. We are now serving hundreds of families each month, open three days per week.

Our goal is to offer food in a friendly, welcoming and equitable environment. All who are involved with our food pantry, including volunteers and guests, will be treated with dignity and respect. While we welcome everyone to worship with us, we must respect the views of our guests per our contract with Feed My People: “We will not use this program to foster or advance religious or political views.”

With the support of Trinity families and our community, we welcome your contribution of non-perishable food items any time, the most cost-effective method of supporting this ministry is a financial donation. Simply mark “Food Pantry” on your online giving or check. This allows us to use the buying power of the Feed My People Food Bank to secure grocery items at a discount.

Volunteers are involved to stock shelves, shop for our guests and drivers to pick up donations from local businesses. If you are interested in helping or learn more about this important ministry contact Sue Marczinke for information.

What to expect when visiting Trinity Food Pantry

  • Trinity is an on-your-honor food pantry, we currently do not require identification; however, we do need you to provide us your name and family information that we ask for on our pantry shopping list each time you visit.
  • Visits are limited to two (2) times per calendar month.
  • Our entrance is on the East side of Trinity Lutheran Church, Door #5.
  •  Please do not arrive at Trinity more than 15 minutes prior to the pantry open time. If you arrive prior to pantry start time, please park on the service road (parallel to Clairemont Ave). Avoid parking in the drive next to the building.
  • We serve all guests outside of our building. We have choice shopping. Our volunteers will greet you outdoors, providing a current day pantry shopping list. Please provide your name and family information and choose the items that best fit your family's needs. We will do the shopping for you.
  • Have a designated area in your vehicle ready before you arrive and be able to load your groceries into your vehicle.
  • Only ONE shopping list per household (address).
  • We do allow guests to pick-up for additional households (addresses). If you are picking up for an additional household (address), you will be asked to complete an additional shopping list with this household's name and family information.
  • Please drive carefully and slowly when moving through the pantry line.
  • We are located near Eau Claire City bus Route 5 - Rudolph Road -
  • If the Eau Claire schools are closed due to bad weather conditions, we will also be closed. Please watch our website, WQOW, or WEAU for closing information.
  • Watch our website and current shopping lists for holiday closures.
  • Volunteers are available to assist and answer questions. If you have a special need, please ask. We cannot always accommodate, but love to help if we can.