Women's Giving Circle

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.  --Helen Keller

Together, Trinity Women can have an impact!

The Women’s Giving Circle is a unique opportunity to positively impact people’s lives through collective philanthropy. Through your generous gift and membership in the Women’s Giving Circle, the Circle will be able to make grants to programs that proclaim and propagate the Christian faith.

The Women’s Giving Circle is a group of individuals who have established a donor advised fund within the Trinity Lutheran Church Endowment Trust. You are invited to join! The membership is renewable on an annual basis and is open to anyone who wishes to further the mission of the Women’s Giving Circle and who makes an annual contribution of at least $250 by December 31.

Downloadable Brochure

Share our Vision

Grants awarded will have an emphasis on fostering independence and sustainability. The Women’s Giving Circle will look for grant applications which outline effective ways to achieve inspiring, sustainable outcomes aligned with our mission, and which invest in furthering the independence of others. Grants awarded will compliment or support initiatives rather than duplicate existing opportunities.

Grant criteria will focus on the following:

  • Support for basic human needs
  • Promotion of health and wellness (spirit, mind, body)
  • Education to advance the quality of life
  • Support for the arts in ministry
  • Meeting needs of the elderly
  • Encouraging self-sufficiency for women and girls
  • Support for families in need

Grants will be awarded annually. Decisions will be determined by the Membership at the Annual Meeting held in the fall. All grant award winners will be invited to a celebration which will highlight the activities and goals of the grant recipients.

Support our Mission

As women in our faith community, the Women’s Giving Circle is an opportunity to leverage our gifts. Giving together, we can build on the power of faith and work on societal solutions by connecting those in need to additional resources.

Annual contributions to the Women’s Giving Circle will be allocated as follows:

  • 50% of each contribution shall be retained in the Fund
  • 45% of each contribution will be used to award grants at the end of each fiscal year
  • 5% will be used to pay administrative fees charged to the Women’s Giving Circle by the Trinity Lutheran Church Endowment Trust.

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” –Desmond Tutu


The Women’s Giving Circle is governed by a nine member Circle Governance Board which is responsible for assuring compliance with the applicable policies and procedures of the Endowment Trust. Members of the Board are elected annually by the Membership at the Annual Meeting.

Apply for a Grant

Apply for a grant between May 1 and August 31.

Women's Giving Circle

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Grant Cycle:

  • May 1 – Begin accepting grant applications
  • September 1 – Grant applications due
  • September – Review of applications by Board
  • October – Recommendations are voted on by the membership at the annual meeting
  • December – Awards are disbursed
  • Spring – Celebration event where grant recipients are invited to highlight the activities and goals of their program/ministry

Become a Member Today

Download and print the Women’s Giving Circle Brochure. Turn in the form on the brochure and your gift to:

Trinity Lutheran Church
1314 E. Lexington Blvd.
Eau Claire, WI 54701