
Adult Ministries

The Mission of Trinity’s Adult Ministries: To provide a place for adults of all ages to learn, serve and find friendship with others.

Thursday Morning Bible Study

Thursday mornings, 8:30–9:30 A.M.

Every Thursday morning a cheerful group meets to look at the Bible passages for the upcoming Sunday. The hour is filled with coffee and donuts, prayer for the community, fellowship and a Bible study led by one of Trinity’s pastors.

Trinity Book Club

Third Tuesday of the Month, 6:30 P.M. at Trinity Lutheran Church, September-May

Looking for something different to do? Interested in reading a good book? The Trinity Book Club meets once a month during the school year. Books, both fiction and nonfiction, have been selected for discussion. We will meet the third Tuesday of every month (September through May) at 6:30 P.M. in the library. We have no special expectations to participate in this group. Please feel free to come whether you’ve finished the book or not. Talk if you want, or just listen. We hope to see you there!

For more information, email Cindy Beck.

View the 2024-2025 list of books.

Women’s Bible Studies

We invite all women to visit and experience a church circle. Circles provide an opportunity to meet, become acquainted and fellowship with other women in the church, while participating in devotions and bible study. We serve women of all ages and interests, and we would love for you to come.

Circles generally meet during the third week of each month, and all are open to visitors and new members. Call the church office for more information 715-832-6601

Miriam Circle - 3rd Wednesday of the month, 9:30 A.M. - Trinity Lutheran Church

Mary Martha Circle - 3rd Tuesday of the month, 9:30 A.M. - Trinity Lutheran Church

Ruth Circle - Tuesday, 1:30 P.M. - Trinity Lutheran Church

We’re anxious to meet you! Choose whatever best fits your schedule.

Exercise Class

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings, 9:00 A.M. in the Lobby

Meet with Dorothy Miller, a former LPN and teacher, who leads a general wellness exercise class for all.

Participants should bring a mat or thick towel to lay on, light weights or cans with the food still in them that fit your hand, and a bottle of water, plus wear comfortable stretchy clothing. We will have a great time as we work out, make new friends, and improve our bodies!

Friendship Group – Socializing for Seniors

Second Wednesday of the Month, 10:00 A.M.

Trinity’s Friendship Group provides a structured fellowship time for seniors that meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 10:00 AM at Trinity. This group goes on bus trips and invites local speakers to speak on topics of local interest and matters of faith, all under the framework of fellowship. This group gathers for annual Thanksgiving and Christmas worship services that are followed by lunch at a local restaurant. With each gathering time beginning and ending in prayer, Trinity’s Friendship Group provides a wonderful opportunity to nurture faith among other seniors!

For more information, contact Linda McClelland at 715-836-7719.