
Because of Christ, you are LOVED, you BELONG, and you have GIFTS TO SHARE.

Vacation Bible School

July 21-24, 2025  |  9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.  |  $25 per child
For kids who turn 4 by 9.1.2025 through those completing 5th grade.

This summer, we will explore what all living things need to live--shelter, food, water, and air--and how we become co-sustainers and participants in the work of God's creation. Through Bible stories, songs, new friends, games, art, and time playing outside, kids will consider the interconnectedness of God's whole world.

Cost includes all snacks, supplies, and a t-shirt. Register by July 1 to guarantee a t-shirt.

Adults and children in middle school and older are encouraged to participate in VBS as volunteers. Nursery care is available.

Luther Park Bible Camp

June 15-20, 2025  |  Grades K-11

Luther Park, located in Chetek, Wisconsin, offers a Christ-centered camping experience for children and youth. Campers will have the opportunity for a variety of activities including swimming in the pool, canoeing, kayaking, paddle boarding, archery, volleyball, basketball, arts and crafts, high-energy games, and the ever-popular gaga ball and 9-square. They will also experience amazing and creative Bible Studies, worships, campfires, and meaningful small group discussions with their peers from Trinity, as well as new friends from surrounding churches.

Find more information and register for Luther Park day camps or overnight camps at the Luther Park website.

Sunday School

Sundays  |  8:50-9:35 a.m.
Preschool and school age children meet weekly to learn about Bible stories and wonder about all the ways that God is working in our world. Students in kindergarten through grade six will engage in each Bible story with hands-on learning activities, interactive games, and creative crafts. Preschoolers (must turn 3 by September 1) will follow a play-based curriculum which features age-appropriate play spaces, prayers, and storytelling. On the first Sunday of each month, children attend First Sundays with their families. There is a suggested donation of $20 per student.

Click here to register for Sunday School.

First Sundays
On the first Sunday of each month (October-April), the whole family gets to come to faith formation class! First Sundays will meet in the Trinity Room from 8:50-9:35 a.m. as families come together to play, learn, and grow in faith. Regular Sunday School will NOT be held on these days.


Wednesdays  |  6:45-7:45 p.m.
Connections is an alternative faith formation opportunity for those students approaching confirmation age (grades 5-6). Connections classes will occasionally join the confirmation classes for activities and guest speakers. Students in 5th and 6th grade should choose either Sunday School OR Wednesday Connections. There is a suggested donation of $20 per student.

Click here to register for Connections.

Volunteer Access – Sparkhouse Digital

Special Events

Trinity hosts a variety of special events for children and families throughout the year. Watch for the monthly newsletter and weekly Enews for more information.

Rally Sunday  |  September 8
We'll kick off the school year with a fun morning at church! Bring your backpack to church, as we will bless the backpacks at each worship service, and three-year-olds and third graders will be presented with new Bibles.

Trunk-or-Treat  |  October 27
From 5:00-6:30 p.m., all ages are invited to come to Trinity's big parking lot dressed in your Halloween costumes to see some awesomely decorated trunks and receive some great Halloween Tricks and Treats!

Angel Breakfast  |  December 7
Preschool and kindergarten age children and one adult guest per child are invited to the Angel Breakfast, held from 8:30-10:00 a.m. in the Trinity Room. Children and adults will participate in activities, enjoy a fancy breakfast together, and hear the Christmas Story told by a REAL ANGEL! Watch for registration information.


When we talk about faith, baptism is where we begin as Lutherans. We acknowledge God's love, God's presence, and God's promise for our lives. In baptism, God claims us and promises to walk with us in faith. If you have a child you wish to have baptized, contact Pastor Tom Westcott.

Holy Communion Instruction
All are welcome at the table at Trinity, including children, so the decision of when a child will begin to receive communion is made between the parents/guardians and the child. Holy Communion instruction is a chance for kids to learn more about this sacrament with Pastor Tom and Heather. Communion instruction is held for children in first grade each spring, while instruction for children in second grade or higher (who have not already participated in instruction) is held in the fall. Registration information to come.

Fall 2024 November 20 2nd grade and above
Spring 2025 March 30 or April 2 1st grade

Scholarship Policy

It is the hope of Trinity Lutheran Church that all students, regardless of financial ability, have the opportunity to participate in any event that will nurture their spiritual growth in Christ. To learn more about scholarships, please contact Heather Day.


Contact Heather Day for more information about Trinity's children's programs.

Follow us on Facebook - Trinity Lutheran Children, Youth, and Family.

All programs and events are open to the community, and all people are invited to participate.