Your Church Library
The library is an educational resource that enhances the many ministries of the church by providing appropriate reading material for children, teens, and adults. In the library you will find:
- Books, fiction and non-fiction
- Reference material
- Videos, DVDs, and CDs
The Trinity Library is available to Trinity members and friends of the congregation. It is funded through memorials, donations and the church’s general fund. If you have questions on Trinity’s library, email Mary Schoenknecht.
The St. John’s Bible
Trinity Lutheran Church Library
Dedicated to the memory of Marlene Cable
The St John’s Bible “Library Edition” is now in the Trinity library. This first handwritten and illuminated Bible of the modern era was commissioned by the St. John’s Abbey and University in Collegeville, MN and completed last fall.An underlying goal for making this Bible was to ignite the spiritual imagination of people across the world. Many illuminations emphasize women, neglected peoples, and the poor. At the heart is God’s global message of hope for all time, for all peoples, and for all generations.
The St. John’s Bible uses the New Revised Standard Version Bible commonly used in mainline churches in America today. It’s completely hand written in calligraphy. Calligrapher Donald Jackson and 11 artists used quills and paints hand-ground from precious minerals and stones. Many illuminations give clues as to the time and place this Bible was created. Illuminations include DNA strands, digital voice prints, a satellite view of earth, as well as animals, fauna, and insects native to this area. All these clues are intended to help future societies date this Bible when it is discovered long after we are gone.
View the entire presentation including illustrations.