Because of Christ, you are LOVED, you BELONG, and you have GIFTS TO SHARE.
Summer Stretch
July 7-10, 2025 | $130 per child | For kids completing grades 6-8
Summer Stretch Assistants: completing grades 9-12 | $65 per child
Summer Stretch is a ministry for middle school youth, led by high school youth! We meet for a short week in the summer and do various service projects throughout the community each morning, then participate in a (top secret) just-for-fun activity each afternoon. Our week culminates with a day together at Valley Fair. Stretch yourself!
Cost includes all activities, a t-shirt, some meals, and Valley Fair admission. Students may need to bring their own lunch some days. Start and end times may fluctuate slightly each day, depending on our activities. Register by June 1.
Vacation Bible School
July 21-24, 2025 | 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. | $25 per child
For kids who turn 4 by 9.1.2025 through those completing 5th grade.
This summer, we will explore what all living things need to live--shelter, food, water, and air--and how we become co-sustainers and participants in the work of God's creation. Through Bible stories, songs, new friends, games, art, and time playing outside, kids will consider the interconnectedness of God's whole world.
Cost includes all snacks, supplies, and a t-shirt. Register by July 1 to guarantee a t-shirt.
Adults and children in middle school and older are encouraged to participate in VBS as volunteers. Nursery care is available.
Luther Park Bible Camp
June 15-20, 2025 | Grades K-11
Luther Park offers a Christ-centered camping experience for children and youth. Campers will have the opportunity for a variety of activities including swimming in the pool, canoeing, kayaking, paddle boarding, archery, volleyball, basketball, arts and crafts, high-energy games, and the ever-popular gaga ball and 9-square. They will also experience amazing and creative Bible Studies, worships, campfires, and meaningful small group discussions with their peers from Trinity, as well as new friends from surrounding churches.
Find more information and register for Luther Park day camps or overnight camps at the Luther Park website.
Wednesdays | 6:45-7:45 p.m.
Confirmation at Trinity is for students in grades 7 & 8. Students gather weekly on Wednesday evenings from 6:45-7:45 p.m., as they learn in both large and small group settings, beginning the evening in the Trinity Room. Pastor Tom Westcott leads the large group instruction, while adult volunteer leaders engage each small group. There is a suggested donation of $20 per student.
The rite of Affirmation of Baptism is celebrated after completing the Confirmation program, typically in the spring of 8th grade. Affirmation of Baptism will be celebrated this year during worship on Sunday, May 4, 2025.
Click here to register for Confirmation.
What is Affirmation of Baptism?
When we talk about faith, baptism is where we begin as Lutherans. We acknowledge God’s love, God’s presence, and God’s promise for our lives. In baptism, God claims us and promises to walk with us in faith. Baptism is a lifelong event, and so when we affirm our baptism, we reaffirm the promises made for us by our parents and sponsors at baptism. Youth are often baptized when they are young, but not all. If your youth has not yet been baptized, please contact Pastor Tom Westcott.
High School Youth Group
1st Wednesday of each month | 6:45-7:45 p.m.
Beginning Wednesday, October 2, Trinity will offer a monthly youth group for high school students. This group is meant to be a safe place for youth to build relationships, learn, and have fun, all while growing in their relationship with God. Youth of all races, ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities, economic conditions, and abilities are welcome. We love friends and new faces, so join us in the Youth Room!
No registration is needed for Youth Group, but youth should join the high school Remind group to receive reminders about meetings on their phone.
High School Trip
St. Louis, MO | June 22-28, 2025
Trinity youth have an opportunity to embark on a trip each summer that will influence their faith lives in extraordinary ways. Our trips rotate on a 3-year cycle: Service Trip, ELCA Youth Gathering, and Adventure Trip. Trips provide our youth with experiences that will deepen their faith, learn how they can develop a closer relationship with God, develop and nurture relationships with adults and peers, and realize that loving God and believing in God are fun and exciting!
Make Payments/Donations Here
Scholarship Policy
It is the hope of Trinity Lutheran Church that all students, regardless of financial ability, have the opportunity to participate in any event that will nurture their spiritual growth in Christ. To learn more about scholarships, please contact Heather Day.
Contact Heather Day for more information about Trinity's youth programs.
Follow us on Facebook - Trinity Lutheran Children, Youth, and Family
All programs and events are open to the community, and all people are invited to participate.