Parenting in 2025: You Are Not Alone
March 10 | 6:30pm @ The Brewing Projekt
Register Here
Holy Communion Instruction for 1st Grade
March 30 or April 2
Register Here
Middle School Youth Gathering
April 12 | Submit form to Heather Day or Pastor Tom
Download Form
Summer Stretch
July 7-10 | Registration opens March 10
Camp Come & Play
July 14-16 | Registration opens March 10
Vacation Bible School
July 21-24 | Registration opens March 10
Faith Formation Registration
Please register your children for Sunday School, Connections, and Confirmation for the 2024-2025 year.
Registration is OPEN
Faith Formation Payment
Please follow this link AFTER you have registered to provide payment for Sunday School, Connections, and Confirmation.
Pay Here